Friday, January 3, 2014

What About "Close To a Cafe" "On Phone Flyers?"

Imagine that it is a dark and stormy night. 

While walking within a few block of a friendly Pub / Cafe (which you do not know exists) you check the weather on your phone - and there is a "flyer" on your screen for a FREE Irish Coffee . . . and just sounds so good. What just happened?

Well, printing hard copy paper flyers and distributing them did not just get replaced - they got a new cousin in the flyer business! And YES, you can design your flyer in minutes on line, pick a geographic grid around your business and in you are "in business" for NEW customers!

Much neater and fast than just about anything, don't you think?

We all know Mobile Marketing is a baby that is growing fast. If you are interested in how you can benefit from this latest trend, ask me:

Scott: 760-954-8104 (text or voice)